CGA’s HYCO Committee Develops positions and publications to address the safe operation of plants producing hydrogen, carbon monoxide and synthesis gas (commonly known as HyCO Plants) and related materials affecting the compressed gas industry.
Over the last two years, CGA has worked to identify opportunities and develop a strategy for translating CGA publications into Spanish to facilitate adoption and acceptance in Mexico, Central America, and South America. In 2021, a task force of members was formed to...
High temperature hydrogen attack is a mechanism that can significantly weaken and damage a variety of steel materials, including carbon steel and various low alloy steels, that are used in the construction of hydrogen plants. H-16 provides guidance for the review of...
Jennifer is the point of contact for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership’s reciprocal membership with CGA. Within CGA, Jennifer participates in various hydrogen-specific projects and committees, including: CGA’s Hydrogen Technology Committee, CGA’s Hazardous Materials...
Our industry has played a critical role in the global economy’s growth and innovation for well over a century. Learn how CGA made waves in 2022 and set ourselves up for a strong 2023.